It refers to the creation of new businesses from existing ones, these companies can be public or private, depending on its success they can acquire legal and commercial independence.
the reasons to lead a spin-off are :
Financial strategy: attract funds to develop a particular business unit to the entry in the array is. on occasions, it has been prevalent in bag use the lure of new technologies, of new niches of business by companies most classic segregating its subsidiaries and taking them to the Park .

New business niches: the Organization may find new opportunities. And although initially means that they can be developed within the company, arrived at a moment it is possible to find a more appropriate framework out of it.
Management improvement: there are organizations which consider that you managed better from closer, into smaller units.
There are two kinds of Spin- off:
Business spin-off: when the new company comes from another pre-existing(including such companies as also public institutions )prior company.
Academic spin-offs: when necessary, was born, within universities, research institutes. They are the most innovative, recent and insufficiently, but they have the support of the European Union through different lines and support programs.
A spin-off has advantages for all involved:
- The entrepreneurs will be able to continue developing the technology that was generated in the university up to the level of the end product, hire staff investigator and obtain valuable economic returns from the process.
-The university may be driven through the spin-off its work on the transfer of research results.
- The society will benefit from the skilled jobs that are generated by the spin-off of the tax they pay and novel products that develop.