financial risk

Probability of that in the future, there are changes within an economic framework.

This refers to the probability that within an economic framework, an event will be able to have negative consequences for an organization.

There are several types of financial risk:

-Risk Market, which we associate with fluctuations in the financial markets, which in turn can have other types of risks:

1. Currency risk: result of currency volatility.

2. Interest rate risk: due to the volatility of market interest rates.

3. risk Market: refers to the volatility of markets in financial instruments such as equities, debt, derivatives ...

-Risk Credit arises from the likelihood that one party to a financial contract does not take its obligations.

-Risk Of liquidity or funding, means that a party to a financial contract is unable to obtain the necessary liquidity to meet its obligations, as it has assets but can not sell quickly enough and at the right price, but if you have the will to do so.

-Risk Financial, possibility of occurrence of financial losses resulting from failures or inadequacies in processes, people, or other factors of the process.

-Risk Country or sovereign risk.

-Risk Systemic.


Financial risk management

Financial risk management

What is risk in Finance?

What is risk in Finance?