This refers to the difference between the benefit of taking a certain course of action or choosing one <a href="">option</a> and the forgone benefit or "<a href="">loss</a>" of taking another course of action or choosing a different <a href="">option</a>. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines this term outside of economics as "the <a href="">loss</a> of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen".
If you have made the best choice possible, the <a href="">opportunity cost</a> would be not receiving the benefit of what would have been gained by making another choice. However, in this case, having made the best choice, you won´t have to incurr any <a href="">cost</a> and you can compare the benefit you have received (greater) to the benefit you would have received (less). In investing, an <a href="">opportunity cost</a> is the difference in the return-on-<a href="">investment</a> made with the possible return-on-<a href="">investment</a> that could have been made by investing somewhere else, with another <a href="">company</a> or with a greater/lesser amount of <a href="">money</a>.