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Base of the Pyramid. Also known as Bottom of the Pyramid. The amount of people with an annual income less than $2 per day (or $4 per day considering purchasing power parity). Term used to identify people who fall well under the poverty line.

The term "Base of the Pyramid" or "BOP", was coined by Indian economist, CK Prahalad, in his book "The Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid". It refers to people with incomes below the poverty line who need basic services and products such as medicines, water, food, energy, transport and credit. The design of the BOP is an approach to help the poorest people, by recognizing their needs. It proposes setting sustainable scenarios where the poorest people are actively engaged and committed. To work with the base of the pyramid establishes a deep learning process whose result is the co-generation of ideas and opportunities that strengthen local capacities and socioeconomic systems to create value for the parties.


Base of the Pyramid (BoP)

Base of the Pyramid (BoP)